Panthon Kansap

Web Developer

A passionate web developer with a focus on front-end and back-end development.




Gallery Walk Web Application

Gallery Walk is a web application that allows users to create an event or join event to see the project of other people and can give feedback to the project.

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Digital Platform for Detecting and Analyzing PMDs and Oral Cancer

Digital Platform for Detecting and Analyzing PMDs and Oral Cancer is a web application that allows users to upload images of their oral cavity to detect and analyze the oral cavity disease.

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Classification Burger Dimsum Ramen Sushi by CNN

This CNN model accurately categorizes food images into four types: Burger, Dimsum, Ramen, and Sushi, employing deep learning methods. It's tailored for efficient classification in culinary contexts, aiding in tasks like menu optimization and dietary analysis. The model's precision streamlines decision-making processes in the food industry.

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Computer simulation application

The goal of this project is to construct a program that takes an assembly language program and converts it to machine code. creates a behavioral emulator for that machine code and a brief assembly language program that multiplies two numbers and performs a recursive function This simulation was created in Java.

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